Teach With INFOhio

Let Family Literacy Burn Bright this Winter Season

Written by // Emily Rozmus Monday, 25 November 2024

Honoring how families engage in literacy is empowering for them and important for student growth. Ohio families can find what they need to celebrate literacy from INFOhio. INFOhio purchases and licenses quality digital content– eBooks, videos, articles, and printables–available at no cost to Ohio’s schools and families. In the darkest time of the year, make family literacy a bright spot with INFOhio.

Let Family Literacy Burn Bright this Winter Season

Simple Strategies to Supplement Family Literacy with Quality Text from INFOhio

Written by // Emily Rozmus Monday, 27 November 2023

Instructional materials matter. While securing a coherent curriculum and professional development for teachers is fundamental to student success, identifying high-quality supplemental materials at grade level for all learners can be helpful in increasing student engagement, meeting diverse needs, and filling instructional gaps. In this Teach with INFOhio Blog post, learn how to use licensed digital content from INFOhio to engage, empower, elevate, and extend family literacy during the holidays.


Simple Strategies to Supplement Family Literacy with Quality Text from INFOhio

Simple Strategies to Supplement Instruction with World Book Kids

Written by // Sarah Mowery Tuesday, 07 March 2023

Instructional materials matter. While securing a coherent curriculum and professional development for teachers is fundamental to student success, identifying high-quality supplemental materials at grade level for all learners can be helpful in increasing student engagement, meeting diverse needs, and filling instructional gaps. In this Teach with INFOhio Blog post, learn how to use licensed digital content from World Book Kids to engage, empower, elevate, and extend student learning in elementary classrooms. 


Simple Strategies to Supplement Instruction with World Book Kids

Simple Strategies to Supplement Instruction with ScienceFlix

Written by // Mary Rowland Monday, 27 February 2023

Instructional materials matter. While securing a coherent curriculum and professional development for teachers is fundamental to student success, identifying high-quality supplemental materials at grade level for all learners can be helpful in increasing student engagement, meeting diverse needs, and filling instructional gaps. In this Teach with INFOhio Blog post, learn how to use licensed digital content from ScienceFlix to engage, empower, elevate, and extend student learning in middle-grade classrooms. 


Simple Strategies to Supplement Instruction with ScienceFlix

High-Quality Tools for Art Teachers and Self-Directed Learning

Written by // Emily Fitch Thursday, 14 March 2024

It can be challenging to find high-quality resources and support materials for the art classroom. Instructional materials make a difference, and quality visual arts materials are just as important to student learning as the core subject areas. Take a little time to explore these tools and see how they can support your instruction and goals for your students.

High-Quality Tools for Art Teachers and Self-Directed Learning

Simple Strategies to Supplement Instruction with Financial Literacy eBooks (Gale)

Written by // Sarah Mowery Tuesday, 03 January 2023

Instructional materials matter. While securing a coherent curriculum and professional development for teachers is fundamental to student success, identifying high-quality supplemental materials at grade level for all learners can be helpful in increasing student engagement, meeting diverse needs, and filling instructional gaps.

When paired with a high-quality curriculum, INFOhio's quality eBooks, videos, lesson plans, instructional web tools, and training and support materials can provide engaging and innovative supplements to scaffold student growth and learning. 

INFOhio purchased Gale’s Financial Literacy eBook collection for high school students with funding from Future Forward Ohio for all Ohio schools. With more than 50 full text, simultaneous and unlimited use eBooks this collection provides students and educators with support for teaching Ohio’s Learning Standards for Financial Literacy which includes topics of financial responsibility and decision-making, planning and money management, informed consumer, investing, credit and debt, and risk management and insurance. 

Simple Strategies to Supplement Instruction with Financial Literacy eBooks (Gale)

Simple Strategies to Supplement Instruction with Capstone Interactive eBooks

Written by // Jill Finnan Wednesday, 12 October 2022

Instructional materials matter. While securing a coherent curriculum and professional development for teachers is fundamental to student success, identifying high-quality supplemental materials at grade level for all learners can be helpful in increasing student engagement, meeting diverse needs, and filling instructional gaps.

When paired with a high-quality curriculum, INFOhio's quality eBooks, videos, lesson plans, instructional web tools, and training and support materials can provide engaging and innovative supplements to scaffold student growth and learning. 

INFOhio licenses Scholastic's Capstone Interactive eBooks for all Ohio schools and families. With more than 800 titles to choose from, Capstone provides students and educators with a variety of science and social studies eBooks appropriate for grades 3-6.


Simple Strategies to Supplement Instruction with Capstone Interactive eBooks

Simple Strategies to Supplement Instruction with BookFlix

Written by // Emily Rozmus Tuesday, 23 August 2022

Instructional materials matter. While securing a coherent curriculum and professional development for teachers is fundamental to student success, identifying high-quality supplemental materials at grade level for all learners can be helpful in increasing student engagement, meeting diverse needs, and filling instructional gaps.

When paired with a high-quality curriculum, INFOhio's quality eBooks, videos, lesson plans, instructional web tools, and training and support materials can provide engaging and innovative supplements to scaffold student growth and learning. 

INFOhio licenses Scholastic's BookFlix for all Ohio schools and families. With more than 150 pairs of fiction and nonfiction titles, this resource is not only helpful for supplementing English language arts curricula but also other content areas to build background knowledge and develop vocabulary in grades PreK-3. Use BookFlix to engage, empower, elevate, and extend student learning!

Simple Strategies to Supplement Instruction with BookFlix

Quality Instructional Materials from INFOhio: Digital Video Collection and Learn360

Written by // Sarah Mowery Tuesday, 03 May 2022

Instructional materials matter and looking closely at the materials you use in your classrooms is important. Every Ohio student deserves the opportunity to learn from high-quality, standards-aligned instructional materials to become a resilient, lifelong learner who contributes to society. 

Studies have shown that using high-quality, coherent curriculums and instructional materials lead to student growth in learning and achievement. For more than 20 years, INFOhio has been providing Ohio schools and districts with quality supplemental resources available at no cost. INFOhio’s resources provide educators and students with premium, vetted content such as eBooks, videos, lesson plans, instructional web tools, and training and support materials that can be used for teaching and learning. INFOhio's Digital Video Collection and our newly purchased Learn360 Video Collection from Infobase offer Ohio parents, educators, and students access to quality, standards-aligned videos that focus on topics across the K-12 curriculum. 

Quality Instructional Materials from INFOhio: Digital Video Collection and Learn360

Quality Instructional Materials from INFOhio: EBSCO High School Collection eBooks

Written by // Mary Rowland Monday, 11 April 2022

Instructional materials matter and looking closely at the materials you use in your classrooms is important. Every Ohio student deserves the opportunity to learn from high-quality, standards-aligned instructional materials to become a resilient, lifelong learner who contributes to society. 

Studies have shown that using high-quality, coherent curriculums and instructional materials leads to student growth in learning and achievement. For more than 20 years, INFOhio has been providing Ohio schools and districts with quality supplemental resources available at no cost. INFOhio’s resources provide educators and students with premium, vetted content such as eBooks, videos, lesson plans, instructional web tools, and training and support materials that can be used for teaching and learning. 




Quality Instructional Materials from INFOhio: EBSCO High School Collection eBooks

Quality Instructional Materials from INFOhio: World Book Online

Written by // Mary Rowland Friday, 11 March 2022

Instructional materials matter and looking closely at the materials you use in your classrooms is important. Every Ohio student deserves the opportunity to learn from high-quality, standards-aligned instructional materials to become a resilient, lifelong learner who contributes to society. 

Studies have shown that using high-quality, coherent curriculums and instructional materials leads to student growth in learning and achievement. For more than 20 years, INFOhio has been providing Ohio schools and districts with quality supplemental resources available at no cost. INFOhio’s resources provide educators and students with premium, vetted content such as eBooks, videos, lesson plans, instructional web tools, and training and support materials that can be used for teaching and learning. 

World Book online encyclopedias provide students with trustworthy, vetted content to supplement instruction and engage inquiry. Ohio's students, educators, and families have continuous access to World Book Kids, Student, and Advanced to support learning in the classroom, at home, and on the go at every step along the learning journey. 



Quality Instructional Materials from INFOhio: World Book Online

Quality Instructional Materials from INFOhio: Capstone Interactive eBooks

Written by // Sarah Mowery Tuesday, 01 February 2022

Instructional materials matter and looking closely at the materials you use in your classrooms is important. Every Ohio student deserves the opportunity to learn from high-quality, standards-aligned instructional materials to become a resilient, lifelong learner who contributes to society. 

Studies have shown that using high-quality, coherent curriculums and instructional materials lead to student growth in learning and achievement. For more than 20 years, INFOhio has been providing Ohio schools and districts with quality supplemental resources available at no cost. INFOhio’s resources provide educators and students with premium, vetted content such as eBooks, videos, lesson plans, instructional web tools, and training and support materials which can be used for teaching and learning. Capstone Interactive eBooks from INFOhio offer Ohio parents, educators, and students access to quality, interactive, unlimited use eBooks from Capstone focused on science and social studies content for grades 3-6. 

Quality Instructional Materials from INFOhio: Capstone Interactive eBooks

Learn About High-Quality Instructional Materials in Online Class

Written by // Sarah Mowery Monday, 31 January 2022

INFOhio has revised and updated the Building Your Digital Curriculum with INFOhio OER Learning Pathway. It has transitioned to High-Quality Instructional Materials for Each Child Learning Pathway and includes a class called High-Quality Instructional Materials to Supplement Your Curriculum. 

In this class, learn more about what makes instructional materials high-quality, including those labeled Open Educational Resources (OER). Participants will learn why instructional materials matter and where to find high-quality instructional materials to supplement curricula. The class includes a focus on curriculum literacy and the use of the Ohio Curriculum Support Guide. Earn a certificate for 5 contact hours after successfully completing the final quiz.

Learn About High-Quality Instructional Materials in Online Class

Quality Instructional Materials from INFOhio: PebbleGo Next

Written by // Sarah Mowery Friday, 29 October 2021

Instructional materials matter and looking closely at the materials you use in your classrooms is important. Every Ohio student deserves the opportunity to learn from high-quality, standards-aligned instructional materials to become a resilient, lifelong learner who contributes to society. 

Studies have shown that using high-quality, coherent curriculums and instructional materials lead to student growth in learning and achievement. For more than 20 years, INFOhio has been providing Ohio schools and districts with quality supplemental resources available at no cost. INFOhio’s resources provide educators and students with premium, vetted content such as eBooks, videos, lesson plans, instructional web tools, and training and support materials which can be used for teaching and learning. PebbleGo Next from INFOhio offers Ohio parents, educators, and students access to the quality content from Capstone including standards-aligned articles, activities, videos, and games in six distinct databases: Indigenous Peoples' History, Biographies, Science, Social Studies, Health, and States.

Quality Instructional Materials from INFOhio: PebbleGo Next

Quality Instructional Materials from INFOhio: Highlights Library

Written by // Emily Rozmus Friday, 20 August 2021

Getting your district or school ready for the school year begins by looking closely at the materials you use in your classrooms. Every Ohio student deserves the opportunity to learn from high-quality, standards-aligned instructional materials to become a resilient, lifelong learner who contributes to society. 

Studies have shown that using high-quality, coherent curriculums and instructional materials lead to student growth in learning and achievement. For more than 20 years, INFOhio has been providing Ohio schools and districts with quality supplemental resources available at no cost. INFOhio’s resources provide educators and students with premium, vetted content such as eBooks, videos, lesson plans, instructional web tools, and training and support materials which can be used for teaching and learning. Highlights Library from INFOhio offers Ohio parents, educators, and students access to the quality content from the Highlights publications in digital eBook and video format.


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For more information about Fetch, please visit the Fetch information page or contact INFOhio support at https://support.infohio.org.