Teach With INFOhio

Hit Summer PD Out of the Park with INFOhio PD Packages

Author // Emily Rozmus Tuesday, 30 April 2024

Need a refresh on using INFOhio's quality digital content for teaching and learning? With flexible professional development options, including webinars, online classes, and blog posts available at no cost, summer learning has never been easier. Earn contact hours at your convenience from home, at the ball field, or in your backyard with asynchronous professional development options. These PD packages for educators are sure to help you hit summer PD out of the park, no matter where you are.

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First Base: PreK-5 PD Package

Introducing early and primary learners to digital content in a variety of formats including videos, digital text, and interactive sites supports all learners' understanding of classroom content. INFOhio provides quality digital content that meets learners where they are, providing supportive features to scaffold knowledge and for concept building. INFOhio's professional development options help educators learn best practices to integrate digital content into the classroom for supplemental support of viable curricula. Choose from the following options to hit a single and head for first base!

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INFOhio Learning Pathway Classes

These classes found in the INFOhio Learning Pathways are flexible and self-paced. Earn contact hours by completing the lessons and taking a final quiz to receive a certificate.

  • Using Technology with Early Learners: Learn more about best practices and tools to support early learners using technology for learning. This 2-hour class helps educators and families become media mentors, role models for the use of technology in the home and classroom. 
  • Reading on the Screen: Take this class to learn more about the differences between print and digital text. Discover best practices for using digital text with learners to support achievement in comprehension and synthesis of complex online eBooks, articles, and other texts on a screen. Earn 3 contact hours when completed!

Learn With INFOhio Webinars 

It doesn't get easier to earn contact hours than by watching Learn With INFOhio Webinar recordings. Here are a few options to help you use and integrate quality digital content in the early and primary classroom. All webinars provide a certificate for contact hour(s) earned after completing a final quiz. No foul balls here!

Teach With INFOhio Blog Posts

INFOhio's Instructional and Technical Support team members write blog posts to support the integration of digital content into the classroom. Check out these posts to find strategies for using quality licensed content from INFOhio. You won't strike out with these easy reads!

  • Simple Strategies to Supplement Instruction Series: Engage, empower, elevate, and extend students' learning with this blog series. Each blog explores ways INFOhio resources can supplement teaching and learning for positive outcomes. Read the following posts for additional information about the resource and the simple strategies you can use in the classroom: 

INFOhio Professional Learning eBooks and Videos

INFOhio has more than 300 eBooks and 400 videos to support educators. Use Educator Tools to find a title right for you, or choose one of the following to get warmed up for the new school year!

Second Base: 6-8 PD Package

As students enter middle school, they will benefit from watching educators model smart use of technology and digital content in the classroom. Content area teachers can find quality supplemental instructional materials to support their teaching. Using INFOhio's flexible professional development to up your teaching game is a smart play. Hit a double with these options from INFOhio.

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INFOhio Learning Pathway Classes

These classes found in the INFOhio Learning Pathways are flexible and self-paced. Earn contact hours by completing the lessons and taking a final quiz to receive a certificate.

  • IWonder: Spark curiosity and engage learners with need-to-know topics using IWonder in the classroom. This 2-hour class breaks down the INFOhio web tool and provides an overview of cultivating creativity with a genius hour activity that can be used in any subject area. 
  • Sanborn Insurance Maps: Learn more about this map database of Ohio cities after taking the 2-hour class. The primary documents found in the resource can be used in a variety of ways to support literacy and STEM projects. 

Learn With INFOhio Webinars

It doesn't get easier to earn contact hours than by watching Learn With INFOhio Webinar recordings. Here are a few options to help you use and integrate quality digital content in middle-grade classrooms. All webinars provide a certificate for contact hour(s) earned after completing a final quiz. No foul balls here!

  • Empower Students to Work Creatively Together: Create, Lead, Empower Ohio: INFOhio's newest toolkit provides quality digital content for educators to develop leadership, problem solving, self-directed learning, technology, and employability skills. Slide into second safely with this 30-minute webinar.
  • Banish Boredom with Engaging STEM Units from ScienceFlix: Find hands-on, interactive units on STEM topics for middle school with the information from this 30-minute webinar. ScienceFlix offers more than 80 units that can supplement your science curriculum. (Note: This webinar is on May 11, 2023. Register now to attend live or to receive recording information.)
  • How to Personalize Student Learning with INFOhio: Discover how INFOhio resources support Universal Design for Learning and create personalized learning experiences for students. This hour-long webinar is a fan favorite!

Teach With INFOhio Blog Posts

INFOhio's Instructional and Technical Support team members write blog posts to support the integration of digital content into the classroom. Check out these posts to find strategies for using quality licensed content from INFOhio. You won't strike out with these easy reads!

  • Create Opportunities for Career Exploration in Grades 6-8 with INFOhio: Empower middle-grade students with exposure to a variety of careers. INFOhio provides content in a variety of media types to support career exploration. Learn more about the videos, lesson plans, and eBooks to integrate into your classroom for a solid double run!
  • Full STEAM Ahead!: Project-based tasks, solving real-world problems, and integrating technology are engaging tasks for students. Find INFOhio resources to support the principles of STEAM in the classroom with this post as well as the accompanying Bitmoji classroom. 

INFOhio Professional Learning eBooks and Videos

INFOhio has more than 300 eBooks and 400 videos to support educators. Use Educator Tools to find a title right for you, or choose one of the following to get warmed up for the new school year!

3rd Base: 9-12 PD Package

High school students are focused on the skills and knowledge needed for post-secondary school and the workforce. Immersing them in the inquiry process is an excellent way to prepare them for the work they will do after graduation, including using technology and online media. Check out these PD options and hit a triple! You're almost to home base!

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INFOhio Learning Pathway Classes

These classes found in the INFOhio Learning Pathways are flexible and self-paced. Earn contact hours by completing the lessons and taking a final quiz to receive a certificate.

  • Points of View Reference Center: Seeing a topic from more than one point of view is essential for learner growth. Take this 2-hour online class to learn more about this resource which includes points, counterpoints, and a guide to critical analysis for current topics. 
  • Explora for Grades 6-8 and Explora for Grades 9-12: Explora for Grades 9-12 pulls digital content from a variety of databases specifically chosen to support high school students. Using this resource will help students find and use quality information. Take this 2-hour class and make Explora a designated hitter in your instructional materials lineup.  

Learn With INFOhio Webinars

It doesn't get easier to earn contact hours than by watching Learn With INFOhio Webinar recordings. Here are a few options to help you use and integrate quality digital content in high school classrooms. All webinars provide a certificate for contact hour(s) earned after completing a final quiz. No foul balls here!

Teach With INFOhio Blog Posts

INFOhio's Instructional and Technical Support team members write blog posts to support the integration of digital content into the classroom. Check out these posts to find strategies for using quality licensed content from INFOhio. You won't strike out with these easy reads!

  • Inquiry and INFOhio: Evaluating Information: The Inquiry and INFOhio blog series looks at each step of the inquiry process, breaking it down with concrete examples of how to address it in the classroom. Take a look at the bottom of this post to find all the blogs in the series. 
  • 5 Practices to Empower Students with Digital Resources: Teaching students how to learn with technology can start with the five practices shared in the blog. You won't strike out with these suggestions, and you might even hit a home run implementing HOMAGO!

INFOhio Professional Learning eBooks and Videos

INFOhio has more than 300 eBooks and 400 videos to support educators. Use Educator Tools to find a title right for you, or choose one of the following to get warmed up for the new school year!

Stealing Home: INFOhio Expert PD Package

If you are interested in learning more about INFOhio and what we do, this package is for you. You can clear the bases with these options, all available at no cost!

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INFOhio Learning Pathway Classes

These classes found in the INFOhio Learning Pathways are flexible and self-paced. Earn contact hours by completing the lessons and taking a final quiz to receive a certificate.

  • Introduction to INFOhio: Become an expert on services provided by INFOhio and learn the easiest ways to navigate our website. This two-hour class gives rookies and vets the information they need to take full advantage of what INFOhio has to offer. 
  • High-Quality Instructional Materials to Supplement Your Curriculum: Earn 4 contact hours by participating in this online class designed to support schools searching for high-quality curriculum and the best resources to supplement when students need additional support. This comprehensive look at how to ensure equity with instructional materials will guide you through INFOhio's evaluation tools and repositories. 

Learn With INFOhio Webinars

It doesn't get easier to earn contact hours than by watching Learn With INFOhio Webinar recordings. Here are a few options to help you use and integrate quality digital content into the classroom. All webinars provide a certificate for contact hour(s) earned after completing a final quiz. No foul balls here!

  • Curating Content for Student-Centered Learning: Curating the best content for your student's needs can make you the MVP. Learn the why, how, and what of curating INFOhio's quality content to personalize learning and create a community of learners in this hour-long webinar. 
  • Community and Collaboration with Open Space Groups: Find out more about Open Space and how to build your own team of learners in an online environment. This 30-minute webinar is an overview of why Open Space groups can improve your teaching and how you can easily connect with educators around the state.

Teach With INFOhio Blog Posts

INFOhio's Instructional and Technical Support team members write blog posts to support the integration of digital content into the classroom. Check out these posts to find strategies for using quality licensed content from INFOhio. You won't strike out with these easy reads!

  • 4 Methods to Stay Up to Date with the Teach With INFOhio Blog: Discover easy ways to follow our blog, the place where we post updates and enhancements to our resources and services, and ways to integrate the quality content we provide into your classroom. Follow these tips and you won't be taken by surprise by any curveballs!
  • Sharing Premium Content from INFOhio: What Link Do I Use?: INFOhio's premium content is password protected to ensure Ohio's families and schools are the only ones who benefit from the resources we license or purchase. You'll strike out if you share the wrong link with students or peers. Check out this post to find the best way to share content from our various resources. 

This summer, whether working with a team or alone, you can trust INFOhio has professional development options to meet your needs. The 2024-2025 school year is a whole new ballgame! Make sure you're in shape with INFOhio. Want more options for your summer PD? Read about Choose Your Path for Summer PD and create your own PD package! Check out all our PD options at INFOhio Campus

Share how INFOhio works for you! Tweet or post your summer learning and use #INFOhioworks to let others know the ways INFOhio supports teaching and learning in Ohio!




About the Author

Posted by: Emily Rozmus

Emily Rozmus is a Senior Instructional Specialist at INFOhio. She has worked in education for more than 30 years, first as a secondary English teacher and district librarian before starting at INFOhio in 2013. Emily has developed district growth plans, integrated technology, created instruction for information literacy, fostered teacher development, and worked on teams to implement curriculum. At INFOhio, she focuses on training educators to use INFOhio resources to improve learning.  

Emily Rozmus
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