Teach With INFOhio

Find the Learning Blade Platform to Support STEM Careers on INFOhio

Written by // Mary Rowland Friday, 21 July 2023

During the 2023–2024 school year, Ohio educators can access Learning Blade®, a resource focused on STEM/CS/CTE and career awareness, at no cost. Access to the Learning Blade platform is provided through the Ohio STEM Learning Network. Ohio educators can find Learning Blade using INFOhio's Open Space, Educator Tools, and the Create, Lead, Empower Ohio toolkit.



Monday Mini Lessons Model Remote Teaching Best Practices

Written by // Emily Rozmus Friday, 12 March 2021

Check out INFOhio's Monday Mini Lessons to support educators in integrating digital content into instruction and remote teaching. INFOhio will be featuring a series of videos that showcase best practices for remote teaching using INFOhio's high-quality digital content. Learn more about this series and how to stay informed. 

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