Teach With INFOhio

Recordings Now Available: Lunch & Learn: Professional Learning Book Talks Webinar Series

Author // Sarah Mowery Thursday, 11 April 2024

Lunch & Learn: Professional Learning Book Talks

Recordings are now available for INFOhio's five, 30-minute lunch and learns featuring a book talk on a professional learning title. In this series, learn about a highlighted professional learning eBook that can support educator growth.

Featured books include:

For more professional learning eBooks, visit INFOhio's Educator Tools. Try a simple search or use the "Prof. Learning & Support" filter to limit results to Professional Learning.

The recording is now available for this Lunch & Learn. 

Lunch & Learn: Professional Learning Book Talks featuring Building Blocks for Tiny Techies: A Teachers' Guide to Digital Learning in Primary Classrooms

Thursday, March 7, 12:00-12:30


Lunch and learn with us for our first webinar in a book talk series. Each book talk highlights one of the hundreds of newly purchased professional learning eBooks to support educator growth. Eat your lunch with us while we devour the featured professional learning eBook, Building Blocks for Tiny Techies: A Teacher’s Guide to Digital Learning in Primary Classrooms by Jamila Leonard. Are you a PreK-3rd grade educator who needs support integrating technology into your classroom? Munch on an overview of the book and feast your eyes on supporting instructional materials from INFOhio that you can take back and begin using right away in your classroom or school. Join the INFOhio team on Thursday, March 7 at noon to learn about professional learning titles that support a variety of grade levels and content areas.

For a deeper dive into this book, complete the Building Blocks for Tiny Techies class in the Professional Learning Book Studies Learning Pathway.

The recording is now available for this Lunch & Learn. 

Lunch & Learn: Professional Learning Book Talks featuring Books Come Alive: Reading Aloud and Reading Along with Young Children

Thursday, March 14, 12:00-12:30 


Lunch and learn with us for our second webinar in a book talk series. Each book talk highlights one of the hundreds of newly purchased professional learning eBooks to support educator growth. Eat your lunch with us while we devour the featured professional learning eBook, Books Come Alive: Reading Aloud and Reading Along with Young Children by William H. Teale, Miriam G. Martinez, and Junko Yokota. Learn the instructional value of read alouds to promote literacy, teach empathy, think deeply, and spark children’s love of literature. Munch on an overview of the book and feast your eyes on supporting instructional materials from INFOhio that you can take back and begin using right away in your classroom or school. Join the INFOhio team on Thursday, March 14 at noon to learn about professional learning titles that support a variety of grade levels and content areas.

The recording is now available for this Lunch & Learn. 

Lunch & Learn: Professional Learning Book Talks featuring EdTech Essentials: The Top 10 Technology Strategies for All Learning Environments

Thursday, March 21, 12:00-12:30


Lunch and learn with us for our third webinar in a book talk series. Each book talk highlights one of the hundreds of newly purchased professional learning eBooks to support educator growth. Eat your lunch with us while we devour the featured professional learning eBook, EdTech Essentials: The Top 10 Technology Strategies for All Learning Environments by Monica Burns. Learn the top ten strategies to help prepare students to be productive, responsible users of technology both within and outside the classroom. Munch on an overview of the book and feast your eyes on supporting instructional materials from INFOhio that you can take back and begin using right away in your classroom or school. Join the INFOhio team on Thursday, March 21 at noon to learn about professional learning titles that support a variety of grade levels and content areas.

The recording is now available for this Lunch & Learn. 

Lunch & Learn: Professional Learning Book Talks featuring The Cardboard Classroom: A Design-Thinking Guide for Elementary Teachers

Thursday, March 28, 12:00-12:30

Lunch and learn with us for our fourth webinar in a book talk series. Each book talk highlights one of the hundreds of newly purchased professional learning eBooks to support educator growth. Eat your lunch with us while we devour the featured professional learning eBook, The Cardboard Classroom: A Design-Thinking Guide for Elementary Teachers by Doug Robertson and Jennifer Borgioli Binis. Learn how to find space for flexible, creative, and collaborative learning in your classroom with real-world examples plus reproducible tools and templates. Munch on an overview of the book and feast your eyes on supporting instructional materials from INFOhio that you can take back and begin using right away in your classroom or school. Join the INFOhio team on Thursday, March 28 at noon to learn about professional learning titles that support a variety of grade levels and content areas.

For a deeper dive into this book, read the Inspiring Creativity in Your Teaching Practice with Professional Learning eBooks blog post.

The recording is now available for this Lunch & Learn. 

Lunch & Learn: Professional Learning Book Talks featuring Talking Texts: A Teachers' Guide to Book Clubs Across the Curriculum

Thursday, April 4, 12:00-12:30


Lunch and learn with us for our final webinar in this book talk series. Each book talk highlights one of the hundreds of newly purchased professional learning eBooks to support educator growth. Eat your lunch with us while we devour the featured professional learning eBook, Talking Texts: A Teachers’ Guide to Book Clubs Across the Curriculum by Lesley Roessing. Want to start book clubs in your classroom or school library? Join us to learn how to use book clubs to engage students of all ages and make curricular topics come alive in the classroom or library. Browse and download templates to set book club agendas and guide reader responses. Learn about the many forms of book clubs and strategies to begin across the curriculum and in any grade level. Munch on an overview of the book and feast your eyes on supporting instructional materials from INFOhio that you can take back and begin using right away in your classroom or school. Join the INFOhio team on Thursday, April 4 at noon to learn about professional learning titles that support a variety of grade levels and content areas.

Questions about this webinar series? Contact us at support.infohio.org.

About the Author

Posted by: Sarah Mowery

Sarah Mowery is a Professional Instructional Specialist with INFOhio. She has worked in education for 16 years as a school librarian and technology coach in elementary and middle school settings. While in these roles, she's been an integral part of the building leadership teams working as a curriculum connector and integrating web-based tools. She earned a BA in Sociology from Bowling Green State University and an MLS with a specialization in PK-12 schools from East Carolina University. Sarah was one of the original INFOhio ICoaches when the program first began in 2013 and has a passion for sharing how INFOhio resources can transform teaching and impact learning for students and educators across the state of Ohio. 

Sarah Mowery
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