Teach With INFOhio

Phonics, Spanish, Tech and More Added to INFOhio Permanent Collection

Written by // Sarah Mowery Friday, 09 August 2024

INFOhio's most recent purchases with funding from Future Forward Ohio include more than 100 Spanish titles from Capstone, more than 80 phonics titles, more than 20 bilingual (Spanish/English) titles, more than 30 STEM titles from Gale, and more than 200 professional learning titles and student-facing eBooks about science and technology from EBSCO.  

Student eBook & Video Collections for PreK-12

Written by // Sarah Mowery Tuesday, 02 July 2024

With funding from Future Forward Ohio, INFOhio has purchased several thousand eBooks and videos for students in grades PreK-12. These eBooks and videos are simultaneous access and multi-use, making it easier for students to read and watch what they want, when they want it. Each age and grade band has a collection of eBooks and videos for student browsing. 

Purchased eBook Collections from ProQuest

Written by // Sarah Mowery Friday, 12 January 2024

A professional learning and student eBook collection have been purchased from ProQuest. More than 40 professional learning titles and 60 student eBook titles for grades K-8 are included. 

Purchased eBook Collections from ProQuest

Quality Instructional Materials from INFOhio: Highlights Library

Written by // Emily Rozmus Friday, 20 August 2021

Getting your district or school ready for the school year begins by looking closely at the materials you use in your classrooms. Every Ohio student deserves the opportunity to learn from high-quality, standards-aligned instructional materials to become a resilient, lifelong learner who contributes to society. 

Studies have shown that using high-quality, coherent curriculums and instructional materials lead to student growth in learning and achievement. For more than 20 years, INFOhio has been providing Ohio schools and districts with quality supplemental resources available at no cost. INFOhio’s resources provide educators and students with premium, vetted content such as eBooks, videos, lesson plans, instructional web tools, and training and support materials which can be used for teaching and learning. Highlights Library from INFOhio offers Ohio parents, educators, and students access to the quality content from the Highlights publications in digital eBook and video format.


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