Teach With INFOhio

Updates to Educator Tools and Open Space

Author // INFOhio Staff Friday, 21 April 2023

Starting with the 2023-2024 school year, content in Educator Tools will primarily focus on digital tools and resources licensed or purchased by INFOhio. Users can continue to find training and support materials for resources such as BookFlix, the World Book suite, and Points of View Reference Center using Educator Tools’ simple search features. In addition, it will be easier for educators to access videos, flyers, lesson plans, and other materials to help them use and integrate the quality resources from INFOhio. Educator Tools also includes direct links to individual BookFlix eBooks, World Book webquests, and videos from the INFOhio Digital Video Collection.

The large collection of freely accessible instructional materials previously in Educator Tools, including resources from ReadWriteThink, COSI, and Smithsonian, can be found in Open Space. Read “Finding Materials in Open Space” below to see how to find the supplemental content you need. For more information about Open Space, see the Open Space information page.

Finding Materials in Open Space


The core function of Open Space is the ability to search for instructional materials. Like other content repositories and search engines, users can type a few words and click Search. When the results appear, filters (also known as limiters) can be added to narrow down the results to the most relevant records. 

For example, to find an interactive activity for grade 8 English Language Arts on active and passive voice (Ohio Learning Standards OH.ELA-Literacy.L.8.3a and OH.ELA-Literacy.L.8.1b), type "active passive" in the search box and hit Enter or click Search. After the initial results appear, apply the following limiters on the left side of the page to refine the search:

  • Education Standards: Ohio Standards for English Language Arts
  • Grade: Grade 8
  • Material Type: Interactive

The remaining results are now filtered to only show interactive items that are standards-aligned to grade 8 ELA. Click on the title or image of any record to view the resource’s details and explore it further. See the visual below for what this would look like:

Open Space Search large


INFOhio curated special collections in Open Space, such as high-need content, topic-specific items, Ohio-based organizations, and subject areas. Access them from the Discover drop-down menu in the top navigation bar of Open Space or directly at Curated Collections.

Collections Overview 2.0


Open Space features Hubs to organize and share information and resources for specific topics or projects. The Ohio Reviewed Instructional Materials hub is a central gathering place for all content that has been reviewed for quality and endorsed by a team of educators. Hubs can be found by clicking the Hubs link in the top navigation bar of Open Space.


If you have questions about Educator Tools or Open Space, please reach out to INFOhio at support.infohio.org

About the Author

Posted by: INFOhio Staff

INFOhio is Ohio's PreK-12 digital library. INFOhio is optimized by the Management Council.

INFOhio Staff
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