Teach With INFOhio

Gale In Context: Elementary and Transparent Language Online Subscriptions

Author // INFOhio Staff Friday, 31 March 2023

Gale In Context: Elementary and Transparent Language Online have been available through the INFOhio website as part of the Libraries Connect Ohio shared collection, July 1, 2018 – June 30, 2023. Beginning July 1, 2023, Gale In Context: Elementary and Transparent Language Online will not be included in the Libraries Connect Ohio shared collection and will no longer be available through INFOhio.

If your school or district is interested in licensing Gale In Context: Elementary or Transparent Language Online for school library use, please contact Pam Rossman (pamr@ohionet.org) at OhioNet for subscription information. OhioNet offers reduced pricing and streamlined management of digital resources for Ohio member libraries. All Ohio school libraries are members of OhioNet, courtesy of INFOhio.

If your school or district is interested in licensing Transparent Language Online for classroom use, please contact Cynthia Poltack, K-12 Language Solutions, Transparent Language Online: cpoltack@transparent.com.

For more information about the resources that will be available in the Libraries Connect Ohio shared collection beginning July 1, 2023, see the INFOhio article Libraries Connect Ohio Collection Announced.

About the Author

Posted by: INFOhio Staff

INFOhio is Ohio's PreK-12 digital library. INFOhio is optimized by the Management Council.

INFOhio Staff
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