


Introduction Recap 
  • Once the author was provided devices for her classroom she wanted to prove how much young learners are capable of.

To start, she considered these questions on page 2:

  • How can I create authentic, interactive experiences with technology that are developmentally appropriate and truly enhance teaching and learning in my classroom?
  • Knowing that little ones need to play, manipulate, and use traditional tools like crayons and scissors, how can I create an equitable balance while still allowing enough time for them to create and explore with digital tools?
  • Considering that technology is ever changing, how can I keep up if my school can’t afford to buy the latest device every two years?
  • What about the apps I decide to use?
  • What do I do if the apps become outdated?

To support technology in her classroom and to be able to answer the questions above the author decided to make her "technology integration planned and purposeful. To do this, [she] decided first to focus on the task or learning objective and then to select the best tool to meet that objective" (p. 2). 


Pause and Do

As you think about these questions, make a copy of the Book Study Notes Template.  Throughout this class and as you read the book jot down notes, quotes, and connections to things that you find interesting or useful.  





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