Ohio Standards
Grade Level
5th Grade
6th Grade
7th Grade
8th Grade
9th Grade
Content Area
Career & Technical Education
Computer Science
Item Type
Interactive Media
Learning Game
Learning Module
Lesson Plan
Dimensions of Inquiry
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Learning BladeĀ® (5-9) is a STEM Program provided at no cost by the Ohio STEM Learning Network (OSLN). 

Learning Blade is a system of interactive online lessons, teacher guides, and printable activities for middle-grade students. Instructional materials support learning about high-demand STEM, CTE, and Computer Science careers while reviewing academics.

Students can browse more than 400 online lessons in human-centered "Missions" or stories to explore exciting careers aligned to state standards. Teachers also have access to dozens of lesson plans that support innovative project-based learning and classroom activities using common materials. Now includes a 20-hour "Introduction to Coding" course designed for 7th and 8th grade

Sign up for your free account at www.learningblade.com/OH

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