

Learning Objectives

  • Reflect on learning by sharing information with others.
Check Your Learning
  • I understand the importance of using digital text, print, and other media in curriculum.
  • I can find the eBook collections on the INFOhio website:
  • I understand actions needed to access eBooks and personalize use for each collection. 
  • I can identify accessibility features available for the eBooks.
  • I can use Educator Tools to identify titles to use in the classroom.
  • I can identify four approaches useful when supplementing eBooks in the curriculum.
  • I can identify best practices for using eBooks in the classroom.
  • I have reflected on learning by sharing information with others.


Reflecting on Your Learning

What are the first three actions you will take to implement eBooks in your classroom? As you consider your action steps, think about the resources shared to support you. Post your steps in the Open Space group titled High-Quality Instructional Materials for Each Child. Post your answer in the Discussion tab under My First Three Steps


Extend the Learning

Now that you have completed this class, make sure your learning doesn't stop. As you incorporate eBooks in your classroom, evaluate your teaching practice. Consider the following questions:

  1. What did you discover about your teaching style while exploring INFOhio's eBooks? 
  2. What have you found successful in implementing eBooks in your classroom? What are some challenges with implementing these in the classroom?
  3. What are two pieces of advice you would give to a fellow teacher who wants to incorporate eBooks in their classroom? 
  4. Which eBooks will you use most in developing text sets?
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