INFOhio Campus

Creating Information Literacy Lessons


Learning Objectives
  • Interpret processes to build relevant curriculum and lesson plans.


Creating opportunities for students to practice information literacy skills can be accomplished through mini lessons during library classes or in collaboration with classroom teachers. 

Review this sample lesson, ISearch Information Literacy Lesson, in the exercise files below. This lesson teaches students how to find information using INFOhio's ISearch. Use this lesson as an introduction to ISearch for students in grades 3 and up. 

Notice on the ISearch Information Literacy Lesson begins with the identified standards that the lesson will be sharing with students. It also includes materials needed and step-by-step directions in the instructional plan. 


Throughout the rest of this lesson, use the exercise file below, Information Literacy Lesson Plan Template. This template will guide you through setting up a lesson for students. Use INFOhio resources that have already been mentioned or use the pre-made content on the following curriculum websites. 

There are many different resources available that provide pre-made lessons librarians can use or modify for their own curriculum needs. Common Sense Education and Google both offer information literacy lessons for with students. 

Common Sense Education's Digital Citizenship Curriculum

Digital citizenship is the responsible use of technology to learn, create, and participate. Being a good digital citizen is a part of the information literacy curriculum supporting students as they find and use digital content. Common Sense Education has developed lessons and supporting materials including activities, videos, and worksheets to teach students best practices for online behavior and digital information use.  The real-world examples provided engage students and remind them what they are learning is valid and applies to their life. Lessons and activities can easily be printed or shared in Google Classroom.

Watch this video to see an example of evaluating the information while reading online, an important skill students need to learn. 


Google's Be Internet Awesome

Be Internet Awesome's tagline is, "Helping kids be safe, confident explorers of the online world." This curriculum uses a game approach to teach students the rights and wrongs of online safety in a digital citizenship online world called Interland. There are also mini lesson plans that pair with the games to make a complete curriculum. 




Reflect on Your Learning
  1. After reviewing these curriculums, instructional materials, and lesson plans, which one stood out as one you could use in your practice? 
  2. What information literacy skill do you think is the most important for your current students? Share your answer to this question in the Discussions tab of the INFOhio School Library Basics group on Open Space. Look for the Information Literacy Lessons post.


Exercise files for this lesson

Use this lesson plan as a model to teach the beginning steps of the inquiry process.
Use this template to create your own lessons.
Need Help?
Open ISearch  
ISearch - Advanced Library & Resource Search
Fetch - Library Catalog Search

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