INFOhio Campus

Teaching Students to Locate Information with IWonder


Learning Objectives
  • Teach students how to use IWonder to locate information during the inquiry process. 
  • Demonstrate how to use IWonder to locate information to help with homework assignments. 


Locating Information Using IWonder

Inquiry is a student-centered approach that focuses on helping students develop skills in three critical areas: questioning, critical thinking, and problem-solving. With questions established to inspire curiosity and an interface that makes locating information a breeze, IWonder is a student tool designed to support inquiry in the classroom. Learn more about teaching students how to develop questions to guide inquiry with this Teach With INFOhio blog post Inquiry and INFOhio: Questioning. Continue the series by exploring strategies for teaching students how to locate information with the blog post Inquiry and INFOhio: Locating Information

Students can use the 12 questions on IWonder's homepage to locate resources that help with homework and find information to support the inquiry process.


Additional questions further narrow the search results.

After selecting an additional question, students select from a list of resources curated to help with homework or locate information to support the inquiry process.



According to Carol Ann Tomlinson in her 2008 article "The Goals of Differentiation", differentiated instruction is "student aware teaching" and based on the premise that the role of education is to foster student growth and encourage students to take control of their own learning (Tomlinson). In the classroom, teachers can differentiate for

  • content
  • process
  • product
  • environment

Differentiation is based on a student's

  • readiness 
  • interest
  • learning profile

IWonder's Genius Hour, combined with a variety of resources in multiple formats, supports differentiation in the classroom. Read this article by Kari Sue Wehrmann in Educational Leadership, Baby Steps, A Beginner's Guide. Learn how one teacher incorporated passion projects to differentiate her classroom by challenging her gifted learners. 


Reflecting on Your Learning
  1. List one of the 12 categories from IWonder that you think will support your curriculum and benefit your students. Why?  Answer this question in the INFOhio Resources for Research Open Space group. Navigate to the Discussions tab and find the Instructional Materials from IWonder post. Reply to the thread and view other participants' responses.
  2. List one of the 12 categories from IWonder that you would share with a student. 
  3. After reading "Baby Steps, A Beginner's Guide" by Kari Sue Wehrmann, describe how you can use IWonder Genius Hour to differentiate for content, process, or product to maximize student interest. 



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