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Why Quality Materials Matter in Ohio: Each Child Our Future


Learning Objectives
  • Apply Ohio's Each Child Our Future strategic plan as a guide to use as part of the materials selection process. 


Ohio's Strategic Plan for Education

Each Child Our Future is Ohio's shared plan that ensures each child in Ohio is challenged as a learner, prepared for the future, and empowered as a life-long learner. The plan was released in 2019 in response to the changing states of jobs which require different skill sets, a racially and ethnically diverse student body, and an increase in exposure to childhood traumas including poverty, drug addiction, and overdoses. Each Child Our Future lifts aspirations, creates hope and excitement, and guides not only state-level policies, but practices in classrooms across the state. 


The whole child is at the center of the strategic plan. Schools can and should address the well-being of each child, including physical, social, emotional, and intellectual needs. To do this, educators, administrators, parents, and communities should be mindful of the Three Core Principles: equity, partnerships, and quality schools. These principles are the foundation for the strategic plan and can be applied as fundamental truths to guide the Vision, One Goal, Four Learning Domains, and Ten Priority Strategies to implement the plan in action. For more information on these components, read the Each Child, Our Future: Ohio Strategic Plan for Education: 2019-2024.

Quality Instructional Materials in Ohio

Each Child our Future should serve as a guide in the materials adoption process for Ohio schools and districts. Quality materials and teaching go hand in hand to support student achievement. Therefore, applying resources such as EdReports and its adoption steps will be more meaningful when considering not only attaining the One Goal and Vision, but also focusing on the the Learning Domains and Priority Strategies that will lead to the desired outcomes of Each Child Our Future

The Four Learning Domains collectively contribute to the holistic success of students. The learning domains and the Three Core Principles that guide them are Foundational Knowledge & Skills, Well-Rounded Content, Leadership & Reasoning, and Social-Emotional Learning, as shown in the graphic below.



Extend the Learning

Read more about each of the Four Learning Domains on pp 12-13 of the Strategic Plan. Use the questions below to discuss how your team will use the Four Learning Domains and its principles in the materials adoption process.

  1. What materials is your school or district using currently to support each of the learning domains? Why might you consider searching for alternative materials? How will you use EdReports/its processes to support that search?
  2. Personalized learning is important for equity. What factors drive this initiative in your school or district? What elements within the EdReports reviews can help you find the best materials to support personalized learning for equity in education?
  3. School partnerships with the community and businesses is advantageous for all parties involved. Explore partnerships your school or district has and how you can develop them to support student achievement. How can these partnerships contribute to the strength of the instructional materials in the school?
  4. What are the characteristics of a school or district engaged in continuous improvement? How do instructional materials fit into this and what practices should be in place? 


The Ten Priority Actions create a responsive system that supports students. They are organized by the five workgroups that represent key elements of an education experience: Excellent Educators and Instructional Practices; Standards, Assessments and Accountability; Student Supports and School Climate and Culture; Early Learning and Literacy; and High School Success and Postsecondary Connections. 


Extend the Learning 

Read more about each of the priority actions on pp 14-24 of the Strategic Plan and use the questions below to discuss their role in your school or building's adoption process.

  1. Excellent Educators and Instructional Practices can be supported by actions 1-3, increasing the supply of highly effective educators, providing support for principals, and providing supports and professional development for excellent instruction. The EdReports adoption process stresses the importance of educator voice and participation when choosing quality materials. How is your district implementing and advocating educator involvement in these actions? Who are the stakeholders included in discussions on developing excellent educators and instructional practices, including PD on how to find and use quality materials?
  2. Standards, Assessments, and Accountability are supported by actions 4-6: identifying clear learning standards that support all four learning domains, seeking varied assessments to show mastery beyond state tests while acknowledging local choice, and reviewing Ohio's current accountability system. Empowering educators to recognize and request high quality standards-aligned materials with varied assessments is the mission of EdReports. Discuss how your school or district has adopted materials in the past versus how you will alter your process based on Each Child One Future and the steps outlined by EdReports.
  3. Student Supports and School Climate and Culture is supported by action 7: working with parents, communities, and caregivers to support the whole child. What elements of the EdReports' reviews can help your school or district focus on this aspect of Each Child Our Future?
  4. Early Learning and Literacy is supported by actions 8 and 9: promoting and expanding access to high-quality early learning experiences and developing literacy skills across all grades, subjects, and ages. Securing high-quality materials available for early learning and literacy should be research-based. Compare two EdReports reviews for ELA, locating those with cross-curricular applications. Conduct additional research for them using Professional Databases such as those found on INFOhio. Record your findings and compare to the EdReports' reviews. 
  5. High School Success and Postsecondary Connections is supported by action 10: ensure the high school experience inspires students to seek future success and the paths necessary to secure it. Explore the materials you use in your high schools in all content areas. Do these materials provide support for student college and workforce exploration. Are there materials reviewed by EdReports which provide this alignment?


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