Smart Search

Learning Objectives
  • Edit bibliographic data manually.
  • Edit bibliographic data using shortcuts/drag and drop.
  • Update/improve bibliographic records by merging or overlaying from other databases.


Smart Search

The Smart Search button automatically searches Z39.50 targets to compare records, add tags from other records, merge the records, or replace the existing record with the new one.

  1. Search your catalog database for a title or item for which you would like to enhance the bibliographic data.
  2. Select the title or item.
  3. Choose Edit Record.
  4. Select Smart Search to begin enhancing your record.

BLUEcloud will begin searching available Z39.50 databases for matches to the record selected. The system will use these match points: ISBN, ISSN, LCCN, Local Control Number, and Standard ID. If a match has been made between your database and a remote search source, the fields will be highlighted in blue.

On the left side of the page is the record from your collection. On the right side of the page are matches from the Z39.50 databases available to you.

The titles that match are displayed in a book river. You can change the view from text to cover art by clicking the cover art icon in the corner:  Cover art icon

You can click through the items to find exactly what you are looking for.

If you find a tag or field you would like to incorporate into your item’s bibliographic record, click the merge icon:

The imported field will show up on the left, in blue.

  • You can also drag and drop by clicking the crosshairs icon:
  • On the field you want to keep, select the crosshairs icon with your mouse and hold while dragging your selection to the record on the left.
  • You can also choose to Merge matching fields by clicking Merge. When you click Merge, all of the data that is in the record to the right that does not already exist in the record to the left, as an exact match, will be added into your original record.
  • You can also Replace the whole bibliographic record by choosing Replace.

Also, If you haven’t clicked Save yet, you can use the Revert button and the system will revert to the original record. If you have clicked Save and then try to Revert, you will not be successful.

Manage Holdings will allow you to go into the item information and make any needed changes.

  • You can add call numbers and copies, or change item information within Manage Holdings.

Once you are satisfied with the changes, click Save.

You can then move to the next item or move to another cataloging feature.


Before moving on from this lesson, take a moment to pause and practice using Smart Search in your own database.

  1. Search your district’s database for a record in which you would like to enhance the bibliographic information.
  2. Using Edit Record, click Smart Search.
    1. Explore the options to:
      • Enhance a record by adding a tag, such as subject (650) or reading program information (521 or 526), that will “beef up” the information available.
      • Merge a more complete record with your own record.
      • Replace an item’s bib record with a more robust record.
        • Click Revert (before saving) if you don’t want to keep these changes.

If you have any questions as you work through these exercises, please contact your INFOhio Provider for help.


Shortcut Keys for Smart Search

Keyboard shortcuts can help you navigate more easily between fields without having to use the mouse. Choice of browser may impact which shortcut keys are available.

Shortcut Key


Ctrl+Left Arrow

Select the previous target for the Z39.50 record panel.

Ctrl+Right Arrow

Select the next target for the Z39.50 record panel.

Ctrl+Up Arrow

Display the previous Z39.50 record.

Ctrl+Down Arrow

Display the next Z39.50 record.

Ctrl+Shift+Up Arrow

Display the previous record in your database.

Ctrl+Shift+Down Arrow

Display the next record in your database.


Once you have finished this lesson on Smart Search, click the Next button to move to the next lesson where you'll practice your new skills. If you have any questions, please contact your INFOhio Provider for help.

Need Help?
Open ISearch  
ISearch - Advanced Library & Resource Search
Fetch - Library Catalog Search

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For more information about Fetch, please visit the Fetch information page or contact INFOhio support at