INFOhio Spence White Service Award, 2008
Linda Ehrnschwender, LEECA.

Linda Ehrnschwender

Linda Ehrnschwender, Media Services Liaison at the Lake Erie Educational Computer Association (LEECA), has been selected as the 2008 recipient of the INFOhio Spence White Service Award.

Lloyd Wright, LEECA Executive Director, and Marie Alford, Linda's LEECA co-worker, praise Linda for "her enthusiasm, expertise and outstanding communication skills" that support her role as "a mentor and leader capable of working in concert with others. She is able to collaborate in creative endeavors, innovate, inspire and contribute without dominating any undertaking." Ehrnschwender is involved in other LEECA projects including the professional development action team.

Linda's efforts to provide documentation for librarians and end users has benefited all INFOhio automated schools and the Information Technology Center staff that support them. Charles Schmiesing, INFOhio Technical Services staffer and one of those who nominated Ehrnschwender for the White Award, believes this recognition is long overdue. "In recent years Linda has taken the lead in developing documentation for various versions of the automation software that far exceed anything available from the publisher. Users from across Ohio benefit greatly from the leadership Linda has provided."

Award nominators praised Ehrnschwender for her assistance to customers. Jacy Nichols, second-year librarian at Westlake High School appreciates Linda's help with the transition from English teacher to librarian. "There were things I simply did not know how to do. Linda helped me through learning a new circulation system, cataloging difficult materials and the wonders of all the reports I could run. She made it so easy to ask for help ... and it is nice to know she is always there when I am lost."

Avon Lake High School Librarian Paul Mitchell concurs. "Linda is dedicated to her work and to her constituents," he says. "She exemplifies service; she raises this job to a calling."

INFOhio agrees.  Congratulations Linda for a job well done and on receiving this award.

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