00:17:08 Sarah Mowery: Welcome, Maureen and Stephanie. Thank you for being here! 00:17:20 Mary Rowland: Welcome everyone! Mary Rowland, INFOhio. 00:18:17 Emily Rozmus, INFOhio: forms.gle/Y9U3khmWTSHxdZsi8 00:19:10 Emily Rozmus, INFOhio: https://www.infohio.org/ 00:19:38 Emily Rozmus, INFOhio: https://www.infohio.org/document-library/item/logging-in-to-access-digital-content-from-infohio-infohio-on-youtube 00:20:26 Emily Rozmus, INFOhio: https://www.infohio.org/resources/item/world-book- student 00:20:58 Emily Rozmus, INFOhio: https://www.infohio.org/resources/item/world-book-student 00:21:16 Emily Rozmus, INFOhio: https://support.infohio.org/ 00:36:20 Sarah Mowery: INFOhio also has an article with this spreadsheet linked as well: https://infohio.org/blog/item/all-things-new-in-world-book 00:42:01 Maureen Businger, Office of School Sponsorship: Thank you! This is great! 00:42:12 Sarah Mowery: Thank you so much for coming, everyone!