01:07:15 Cindy Polack: My screen keeps blinking 01:17:41 Emily: https://www.edweek.org/teaching-learning/opinion-author-interview-with-dr-gholdy-muhammad-cultivating-genius/2020/01 01:27:00 Barb Cockroft SST9: Equal access for all. Disproportionality? 01:27:03 Marian Dangerfield: My gut reaction is that this is not ok. 01:27:05 Sarah Mowery: equity 01:27:08 Jennifer Schwelik: The school to prison pipeline needs to be broken. And, to do that, preschool is critical. 01:27:09 Joanne Krajeck SST 9: A call to action for teachers, communities, and administrators, and state debts of ed. 01:27:09 Lisa Wendt: very negative observations; disheartening 01:27:09 Rebecca Barton: This is not okay. 01:27:10 Christina: We have to do better. 01:27:12 Heather Campbell: We have failed to adequately support so many students 01:27:13 Lisa Barnes Prince: I've been hearing statistics like this for years. Clearly, we are not doing all we should in schools for literacy. 01:27:13 Karyn Cox: We can do better. 01:27:25 Christine Coleman: Based on this, we are not reaching every child 01:27:29 David Clark: Assistance needs to start early 01:27:30 David Loomis: equal opportunity needs to be equal across the board 01:27:41 jjakubow: Reading Skills are important. 01:27:42 Holy Family Elementary School: It’s not okay for students of color or poverty to not have access to the same education 01:27:42 Stacie Anderson-Cook: It is critical that quality instruction happens at the early years!! All kids deserve quality instruction. 01:27:44 Janet Ingraham Dwyer: Intervention needs to start VERY early. 01:27:50 Ringwald fam: It’s sad and disheartening 01:27:56 Tracy Boehmer: Dropout levels in these groups must improve. 01:27:56 Janet Ingraham Dwyer: This situation is NOT OK. 01:28:06 Jennifer Schwelik: School libraries and public libraries are critical to the intervention. 01:28:10 Leanne: much more than a materials issue 01:29:33 Joanne Krajeck SST 9: We need to introduce our students to the wide variety of careers and other educational opportunities. 01:29:43 Emily: https://www.rand.org/content/dam/rand/pubs/research_reports/RR1500/RR1529-1/RAND_RR1529-1.pdf 01:30:08 Patti: @Leanne - that's right. Need kids IN school 01:30:38 Jennifer Schwelik: Teachers in Ohio have many quality resources available through INFOhio and through public library resources. 01:31:06 Rebecca Barton: This is why I'm here. I need quality resources. 01:32:00 Elaine F: I agree with you Jennifer. There’s a problem of AWARENESS (never-ending challenge) of INFOhio. I spoke at a large urban district and they were understandably ANGRY that they didn’t know about INFOhio before my summer PD presentation. This was 10 or so years ago… 01:33:33 Barb Cockroft SST9: #IloveInfohio 01:33:54 Sarah Mowery: Love that hashtag! 01:38:07 Patti: @Elaine - need admin support 01:38:29 Matt Yauk: 8 months difference is crazy - very surprising! 01:39:07 Emily: https://www.menti.com/ code 4829 2417 01:41:59 Patti: @Sherry - totally agree! I never do this anymore (plan too far in advance) 01:44:30 Joanne Krajeck SST 9: We don’t give our CTE students materials for the next levels or for starting a business 01:45:27 Emily: http://education.ohio.gov/About/EachChildOurFuture 01:46:27 Joanne Krajeck SST 9: https://ohiomeansjobs.ohio.gov/wps/portal/gov/omj/home 01:47:59 Emily: https://www.edreports.org/ 01:52:57 Emily: https://tntp.org/publications/view/teacher-training-and-classroom-practice/accelerate-dont-remediate 01:54:46 Emily: https://ohiocurriculumsupport.org/ 01:55:25 David Loomis: I'm having issues with the zoom call. will this be posted later so we can watch it later? 01:56:11 Juanita Markham: Yes! We are recording and plan to have recordings out by/on Friday 01:56:29 David Loomis: awesome, thank you Juanita! 01:56:53 Juanita Markham: You're welcome :) 01:59:10 Emily: https://remotedx.infohio.org/edreports 02:00:24 Emily: https://ohiocurriculumsupport.org/ 02:03:06 jjakubow: Another message is to expect more from each student. 02:04:17 Emily: Additional Resources https://edreports.org/ https://ohiocurriculumsupport.org/ (live June 24) https:/ /remotedx.infohio.org 02:04:18 jjakubow: Kudos Sherry 02:04:26 Barb Cockroft SST9: Thank you so much! 02:04:29 Tracy Boehmer: Thank you! 02:04:33 Cindy Polack: Thank you Sherry! 02:04:34 Emily: https://remotedx.infohio.org 02:04:40 Kim Beaumont: Thank you, Sherry! 02:04:45 Mary Rowland: Thank you, Sherry! 02:04:45 Judi Stewart: Thank you! Great information! 02:05:31 Emily: Assessment Link https://www.infohio.org/assessments/item/lwi20210623assessment 02:05:37 Casaundra Bronner: Thank you 02:05:50 Erica Clay: https://www.infohio.org/assessments/item/lwi20210623assessment 02:05:55 Emily: Here is the link for the next session https://zoom.us/j/93804557666